by Russ TannerrtJPG2Video Command Line Utility
Utility for Assembling JPG Images Into Video
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You can also add a custom subtitle to each movie. The subtitle can contain special tokens that are expanded into date information for each specific movie. I specifically wrote this utility for people who are joining multiple sets of JPG files together to create timelapse movies. Complete documentation is available by clicking the "Documentation" link in the menubar. Feature suggestions are welcome. This utility was written entirely in PowerBASIC. Features» Iterates 1 or more directories creating a video in each directory that contains 1 or more JPG images. » The name, format, and frame rate of the created video file can be specified. » Directory recursion can be limited to a specified depth. » Processed directories can be filtered using a regular expression. » A subtitle can be added to each video. » The subtitle can have tokens that expand to display date information. » Subtitles can occupy multiple lines. » Subtitle font type and size can be specified. DonatertJPG2Video is free. I simply ask the you consider donating $5 (or more) to help me continue providing useful free utilities. Please use PayPal to donate to DownloadYou can download the latest version of this utility by visiting the download page. LicensingrtJPG2Video can be freely distributed as long as you agree to use it at your own risk. No warranty is expressed or implied. You agree that the author is free from all liability. System RequirementsrtJPG2Video can can be run on Windows 2000 or greater, including:
Support, Questions, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, Tips & TricksAll support for rtJPG2Video is provided on the Orbis Vitae forum at this location: |
Copyright 2012, Russ Tanner, All Rights Reserved